Facing major changes in your personal and professional life can be difficult but all too often we can have both of these happening at the same time. How we deal with these events can help shape who we are, who we become, and who we are towards others. Learning to 'deal' should never be an option. Having an outlet to help relieve stress while you work towards a better balance is key to remaining effective at work, and happy at home.
Formulate a Plan
Do you have big projects at work? Find the best way to tackle your projects. Some people prefer to take on chunks of tasks and then work on other projects but others are more apt at taking on an entire project all at once to completion. Find out the strategy that works best for you to make your work more manageable.
At home, this is the seemingly-est thing that seems there is never enough time or energy to handle everything going on with your personal life. This however is the area that you have the most control over but many people never realize it. You can make small steps to make your home-life better. Whether it's 5 extra minutes devoted to yourself everyday to creating a new schedule for your family or a chore list.
It's important to keep these things in perspective when facing stress from home and deadlines form work but identifying your issues is the first step. Plan your goals and how you can achieve them and actively pursuing them is rewarding and will give you the added benefit of a renewed focus that helps to eliminate some of the stress that work and home life have the tendency to do.